
Showing posts from 2013

Marketing what is "Made by the Lake"

Regardless of what you sell or whether your business is large or small, you must follow these four "Ps" to market. I’ve been fortunate to have taught marketing at the university level, offer marketing advice to small and large companies, and continue now doing so in my books, blogs, speaking events and private consultations. Being that I’ve done this for so long, it’s easy to think that everyone knows what I know so I have to remind myself to always start with the basics; here are the basics: Know your customer, know your product and service and use the four Ps to promote your product and service to that customer via in a way that they want to be marketed. There’s a whole lot more to this and it can be a daunting task but when you stick to these basics, with all of your marketing efforts, you will be more successful. Create a marketing plan around these four Ps. READ MORE: As with anything “People don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan”. Have a marketing plan, how...

Winter Boy is a New Kindle Book

Do you have something that you've "Made by the Lake"? Are you a writer, blogger, artist, speaker, musician, craftsperson, or other? As long as you live within 100 miles of the edge of this great Lake Superior, let us know and we'll get you some exposure in this blog. We do however want to promote "family friendly" businesses and events. I recently published my new Kindle Book: Winter Boy. It would be "awesome" if you would please go to Amazon and do a search: Ter Scott Winter Boy in the seach box and find my latest Kindle book, "look inside" to read a bit of it (FREE) and place your review? Even if you don't like winter, boys, Christ ... mas, toys, (sorry, it rhymed with boys), snow, and miracles. Please do a quick "reveiw" so it can get a high ranking "out the door". Make it a great day! Ter

Self Funding for Your Business

If you have business; you love what you do; especially if is something that you "made". This is the whole idea behind this blog. To assist people who own businesses where they create things (tangible or intangible; for instance I am a public speaker, and others create other services) and then market them. But what about cash flow and funding for your business; especially when you are starting the first few years? Could another $500 to $1000 coming in consistently each month help you with the bills? Here's help. It's a legitimate business that you can do along side anything that you are doing now because it offers training that any one can use. If I could put $500 to $1000 in your bank account within 30 days, would you invest $25 to make this happen? Listen to the Millionaires. This is real. Join us in business and get great educational products that will improve you, and your business. You will make money too, that you can fund your own life and/or dona...

Sell Your Handmade Crafts Locally and Globally

I will soon be offering a class in the Duluth Area on how to: Sell Your Handmade Crafts Locally, and Online Globally Here's the description:   Marketing “Guru” Ter Scott shows you turn your love for crafting into a business. This class is jammed with resources and discussion on how to set prices, craft fairs, Web sites such as Etsy, consignment at traditional stores, selling on your own website, and Web marketplaces. You’ll even get a free ad and directory listing in the blog “Made by the Lake”. Be sure to register as a "follower by email" if you'd like an email notice when and where this class will take place. Make it a great day! Ter