Marketing what is "Made by the Lake"
Regardless of what you sell or whether your business is large or small, you must follow these four "Ps" to market. I’ve been fortunate to have taught marketing at the university level, offer marketing advice to small and large companies, and continue now doing so in my books, blogs, speaking events and private consultations. Being that I’ve done this for so long, it’s easy to think that everyone knows what I know so I have to remind myself to always start with the basics; here are the basics: Know your customer, know your product and service and use the four Ps to promote your product and service to that customer via in a way that they want to be marketed. There’s a whole lot more to this and it can be a daunting task but when you stick to these basics, with all of your marketing efforts, you will be more successful. Create a marketing plan around these four Ps. READ MORE: As with anything “People don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan”. Have a marketing plan, how...